Wednesday 2 April 2014


“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” ― John Locke

Do you know what sloth means? What readily comes to mind is the synonym for sloth which is lazy. But do you know there is an animal called sloth?

......what type of animal it is? Arboreal mammal

.....what it feeds on? It feeds on leaves and fruits, buds, young twigs and any other food that is light because of it's slow metabolism due to the fact that it is hardly active. to identify them? Most sloths are about the size of a dog. They have short flat head, long arms and huge hook like claws. Some are two-toed while others are three toed. They have grayish brown hair. Due to how slowly they move, tiny camouflaging algae grow all over their coats making them look greyish green in color. they are attributed? Sleepiest of all creatures – they can sleep for up to eighteen (18) hours at a time and they are extremely slow-moving. Infact, some stay on a particular tree for as long as thirty (30) years.

......where it is majorly found? Rainforest canopies of South and Central America they are mostly seen? They usually hang from branches back downward.

So the next time you hear "you are slothful", you know it’s not just a synonym for lazy but it’s also the name of an animal that is very very very slow!

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